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I’m an engineering manager at Betterment, where I primarily work with Ruby on Rails. Previously I was a software engineer at Azavea, writing React, Python, and Scala to build geospatial web applications. Here are links to select side projects I’ve done over the years.

I have a PhD in English Literature from Penn State, where I studied 20th-century British fiction, narratology, and philosophical writings about human action. Hannah Arendt, Marcel Proust, Simone Weil, W.G. Sebald, and Virginia Woolf are among the writers that have influenced me most. (I’ve cataloged some books I’ve read over the last 5+ years here.)

Visit LinkedIn to read more about my professional experience. You can also find me on Twitter, GitHub, Project Euler, and Letterboxd. Email me at kinnes at gmail dot com if you’d like to get in touch.

I built this site in Jekyll using the just-the-docs-theme. It’s hosted on Netlify. I write the posts with Emacs.